man with phone
Kvaliteetne raamatupidamine. Õigusnõustamine.
Kontorid ja coworking-lahendused.

Usaldusväärne teenus tunnustatud raamatupidamis-

Miks valida meid:
  • ERK tunnustatud raamatupidamisettevõte – vaid 20 üle 6000-st Eesti raamatupidamisbüroost on tunnustatud
  • juhtiv positsioon e-residentsuse turuplatsil sõltumatute kontrollitud arvustuste põhjal
  • #14 2023. aasta Äripäeva raamatupidamisbüroode TOPis – TOPi pääseb vaid 1% Eesti ettevõtetest 
  • SFAI Global liige. SFAI Global on juhtiv ettevõtete võrgustik, mis ühendab 14000+ professionaali 115 riigis
  • üle 20 kogenud spetsialisti
  • Me räägime 10+ keelt
Iga kliendiga püüame luua usaldusliku kestva partnersuhte.
aastat turul
registreeritud ettevõtet
arvustust e-residentsuse turu platsil
Vali sobiv plaan Sinu ärile
Valige plaan ettevõtte asutamiseks
Sisaldab käibemaksu (22%)
€ 499
osaühingu kaugmoodustamine e-residentidele
€ 699
osaühingu kaugmoodustamine notari kaudu ainuosaniku jaoks
€ 899
osaühingu kaugmoodustamine notari kaudu kahele asutajale
€ 1899
osaühingu kaugmoodustamine notari kaudu välismaa juriidilisest isikust asutajale
€ 4099
ettevõtte asutamine Eestisse kolivale EL kodanikule
Vali oma juriidiline aadress
Kui teil on Eestis kontor, kust ettevõtet juhtida, on teil õigus ettevõtte juriidiliseks aadressiks märkida oma kontori aadress.
Sisaldab käibemaksu (22%)
Juriidiline aadress välismaal
€ 0
Töökoht (Hot desk)
€ 199
€ 2149
€ 199
€ 180
Hinnad ei sisalda käibemaksu Hinnad sisaldavad käibemaksu
Teenus: Kirjeldus: Üksikasjad: Hind:

Magrati klientide arvustused

Yurii Tromsa
Reviewed on 8 of Jul 2024

High-quality service, quick response to requests, highly qualified staff.

Richard James Keyte
Reviewed on 2 of Jul 2024

Excellent service, kept me up to date and fully informed at all times. The support when setting up the company was excellent and the team are very knowledgeable. I would highly recommend to anyone wishing to use their services.

Manal Ouchrif
Reviewed on 29 of Jun 2024

Serious company, with fast and professional customer service.

Lars Rensing
Reviewed on 21 of Jun 2024

Very detailed process and communications. Always fast to respond to questions with detailed answers and clear instructions.

Kevin Morys
Reviewed on 20 of Jun 2024

The whole team is super-available and super-responsive. All communications go very smoothly via whats app and videoconference for online recordings. I speak very little English and yet I have absolutely no difficulty thanks to this team and in particular Aneta who did a great job assisting me in French with setting up my business.

Richard Ewan Fell
Reviewed on 20 of Jun 2024

very helpful and patient with setting up the new company

Alvaro Vives Cuesta
Reviewed on 11 of Jun 2024

Very good service. Team members answer fast, are knowledgeable and super polite! I recommend Magrat 100%!

Adrian Leslie Kaehler
Reviewed on 12 of Mar 2024

How could I survive without the amazing and wonderful help I get from Magrat!

Mark Andrew Zurevinski
Reviewed on 8 of Mar 2024

They are a top shelf provider of service. Highly recommended.

Neel Bharat Kulshreshtha
Reviewed on 1 of Mar 2024

After Brexit, we needed to establish our presence in EU to have a smooth selling experience and also to have expedite delivery to our customers. Once we found out about eResidency, we began work to apply and open a company in Estonia. Next step was to find a good, dependable and transparent partner and accounting firm that can help us navigate through quite a bit paper work. We are very glad that we found that in Magrat. Now, we are using them for over six month and they are friendly and competent to get any job done in EU. We highly recommend them.

Carlo Pietro Alessandro F Revelli
Reviewed on 26 of Feb 2024

Viktor was extremely helpful in preparing my annual report. He worked with me tirelessly over a period of six months to gather all the documents and review them. I will continue to use Magrat for my accounting needs.

Gia Tarieladze
Reviewed on 19 of Feb 2024

Excellent work, stuff is very professional and helpful.

Mary Braun
Reviewed on 9 of Feb 2024

quick, professional and satisfying

Anastasiia Bida
Reviewed on 11 of Jan 2024

Service provider providing excellent services; all specialist worked in company are high qualified and do all best for all requests.

Mirjam Irene Maas
Reviewed on 28 of Nov 2023

They are very helpful, guiding you every step on the way of opening an business as an e-resident in Estonia. I know how to do my own business, to get clients etcetera. I don’t know about all the little details of opening a business nor the legal matters around this. They do. And they help you. The offer a great service and support.

Jaikumar Ojha
Reviewed on 22 of Nov 2023

Great experience

Tatiana Zorian
Reviewed on 13 of Nov 2023

A lot of thanks for extraordinary expertise and always attentive attidude.

Mikhail Zarubin
Reviewed on 13 of Nov 2023

Thanks to Magrat, guys are absolutely brilliant, knowledgeable and reliable! Always helpful and on time!

Simonas Žižiunas
Reviewed on 5 of Nov 2023

Great, fast and prefessional legal service. Recommend 100%


Audit problems and solutions
Audit: probleemid ja lahendused
Võtmepunktid: Auditi kohustus: Eestis peavad ettevõtted läbima auditi, kui nad vastavad teatud suuruse kriteeriumidele (käive, varade maht, töötajate arv...
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