Services Magrat

Registration of shares in Nasdaq Baltic

Register shares of your company in Nasdaq Baltic. Registration of the company’s shares in Nasdaq CSD with a unique international ISIN code protects shareholders’ ownership rights and ensures a higher degree of safety and greater trust by investors, partners, and financial institutions.

One-time fee
  • consultation regarding the procedure and its results – hourly fee is charged for additional consultations over 20 minutes
  • preparation of a registration application
  • preparation of a shareholders list
  • drafting of a relevant shareholder resolution
  • submission of the application (online, by post, or at the office)
  • state fee for changes in company’s registry data

assistance in providing documentation in case a foreign legal person is involved – hourly fee

Each shareholder must hold a securities account with one of the financial institutions supporting operations with Nasdaq CSD registered securities.

The application will be prepared within 3 business days from receiving all necessary documents and reviewed within 2 business days.

  • consultation regarding the procedure and its results – hourly fee is charged for additional consultations over 20 minutes
  • preparation of a registration application
  • preparation of a shareholders list
  • drafting of a relevant shareholder resolution
  • submission of the application (online, by post, or at the office)
  • state fee for changes in company’s registry data
Available for an extra fee

assistance in providing documentation in case a foreign legal person is involved – hourly fee

Main requirements

Each shareholder must hold a securities account with one of the financial institutions supporting operations with Nasdaq CSD registered securities.


The application will be prepared within 3 business days from receiving all necessary documents and reviewed within 2 business days.