Services Magrat

Demerger of a company

Divide an Estonian company into two or more entities. When a demerger of companies takes place, company’s assets and operations are divided into two or more companies.

One-time fee
  • preparation of the division agreement
  • coordination of the procedure with the notary
  • preparation of the division report
  • division notice on the state portal
  • preparation of a division resolution
  • submission of a petition to e-Business Register
  • state fee for changes in the company’s registry data
  • organization of audit if necessary

The minimal amount of time a division can take according to the law is 2 months. In practice, division of companies generally takes more than that, and the overall term may depend on the size and complexity of companies involved.

  • preparation of the division agreement
  • coordination of the procedure with the notary
  • preparation of the division report
  • division notice on the state portal
  • preparation of a division resolution
  • submission of a petition to e-Business Register
  • state fee for changes in the company’s registry data
Available for an extra fee
  • organization of audit if necessary

The minimal amount of time a division can take according to the law is 2 months. In practice, division of companies generally takes more than that, and the overall term may depend on the size and complexity of companies involved.