Services Magrat

Changes in company’s general data in e-Business Register

Update company’s information data in the e-Business Register. Keep your company’s contact information in the e-Business Register up to date and stay compliant.

One-time fee
  • consultation with our lawyers on the matter
  • assistance in submitting the petition
  • drafting the petition for an e-Business Register detailing changes in the company’s data (such as an address, email, contact person, phone number, and company name using an ID card)

We will prepare the documents within 3 business days from receiving the necessary information. Changes are usually made within 2 business days but no more than 5 business days from the date of submitting the petition.

  • consultation with our lawyers on the matter
  • assistance in submitting the petition
Available for an extra fee
  • drafting the petition for an e-Business Register detailing changes in the company’s data (such as an address, email, contact person, phone number, and company name using an ID card)

We will prepare the documents within 3 business days from receiving the necessary information. Changes are usually made within 2 business days but no more than 5 business days from the date of submitting the petition.