Services Magrat

Bankruptcy Application

The need to file for bankruptcy

The state of insolvency of the company, which is not temporary, imposes on the management of the company the obligation to file a bankruptcy application in accordance with the norms of the law with the Estonian judicial authorities.
Failure to fulfill this obligation may result in material liability of the members of the board if it causes damage to third parties.

One-time fee
  • Advising the client on the matters related to the bankruptcy of a company
  • Filling of the bankruptcy application
  • Providing the client with the necessary instructions for the application to the court
  • Processing of company’s records to obtain the data necessary for filing a bankruptcy application
  • Accounting services
  • Representing the interests of the client in the course of the court proceedings
  • Payment of the application fee
  • Information about the financial state of the company, as well as the reasons for the insolvency occurrence in the company
  • Providing of all the necessary supporting documents

In the presence of all the necessary data and documents the application, as a rule, can be processed within 5 working days, but the period always depends on the amount of data.The court considers the application within 10 working days, but the period, if necessary, can be extended up to 30 days.

  • Advising the client on the matters related to the bankruptcy of a company
  • Filling of the bankruptcy application
  • Providing the client with the necessary instructions for the application to the court
Available for an extra fee
  • Processing of company’s records to obtain the data necessary for filing a bankruptcy application
  • Accounting services
  • Representing the interests of the client in the course of the court proceedings
  • Payment of the application fee
Main requirements
  • Information about the financial state of the company, as well as the reasons for the insolvency occurrence in the company
  • Providing of all the necessary supporting documents

In the presence of all the necessary data and documents the application, as a rule, can be processed within 5 working days, but the period always depends on the amount of data.The court considers the application within 10 working days, but the period, if necessary, can be extended up to 30 days.