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Alusta oma ELi ettevõte täna


Teie ettevõte Eestis või tütarettevõte
teie olemasoleva Briti ettevõtte kohta.

Kuna Brexit areneb, võib teie ettevõte ikka veel jääda ELis. Alustage oma Eesti ettevõte täna! Magrat OÜ on
12-aastase kogemusega teenusepakkuja. Me teenindame nii era- ja ettevõtete asutajad.
ELi käibemaksukohustuslasena registreerimise number
ELi konto
Kohandatud tasuta
kaubandus ELiga
Kiirem saatmine
ja kaubavooge

Erihinnad, piiratud aja pakkumine:

spesicl price
e-Residency application assistance:
200 €
0 €
Mida meie kliendid ütlevad:
Annie L.
I decided to get e-Residency, but the process wasn’t entirely clear and some questions in the forms were not obvious. Magrat helped me prepare everything I needed and organised a videoconference so the application process went smoothly.
spesicl price
Company incorporation for
580 €
190 €
Only state fee!
Mida meie kliendid ütlevad:
Jeong H.
My business suffered because of Brexit. I realised I needed a company in the EU, but I wasn’t sure which country to choose. I booked a consultation with Magrat, and they explained everything. I compared the options and was convinced Estonia and Magrat are the way to go.
Remote incorporation for a UK corporate founder
1800 €
1000 €
Mida meie kliendid ütlevad:
James B.
We decided to start a subsidiary in Estonia, but most service providers did not want to work with corporate founders. When we approached Magrat, they explained the documents we needed to prepare in the UK and helped us incorporate our subsidiary. Very efficient.
How can we help?
Contact us now!
Saada meile e-kiri
Sõnum meile
send a form

Miks Eesti?

why estonia

0% corporate tax on
reinvested profits

why estonia

e-Residency – secure digital identity and
fast incorporation online

why estonia

Operate your business in Europe digitally
– register your business online and enjoy
borderless market growth.

why estonia

100% online remote company administration, minimal
the administrative burden on the entrepreneur – we will
manage your legal, accounting, and other administrative
issues so you can focus on your business.

You can send us a request or contact us to clarify the details by phone or e-mail.

    Thank you for choosing us!
    We will answer you as soon as possible!

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