Services Magrat

Merger of companies

Merge two Estonian companies into one. When a merger of companies takes place, one company absorbs the other or a new entity is created. The assets and liabilities in the company’s balance sheets are joined.

One-time fee
  • consultation with our lawyers via communication channel of your choice – hourly fee is charged for additional consultations over 20 minutes
  • coordination of the procedure with the notary
  • preparation of the merger report
  • merger notice on the official notifications portal Ametlikud Teadaanded
  • preparation of a merger resolution
  • submission of a petition to e-Business Register
  • state fee for changes in company’s registry data
  • consultation with our lawyers via communication channel of your choice – hourly fee is charged for additional consultations over 20 minutes
  • coordination of the procedure with the notary
  • preparation of the merger report
  • merger notice on the official notifications portal Ametlikud Teadaanded
  • preparation of a merger resolution
  • submission of a petition to e-Business Register
  • state fee for changes in company’s registry data
Available for an extra fee
  • preparation of financial statements and organization of audit when necessary

The merger procedure takes at least 2 months, but in practice it may take longer, depending on the size of companies participating in the merger and their overall complexity.