Services Magrat

International company registration

Start a company anywhere in the world. We will help you register a company in Hong Kong, the United Kingdom, the Marshall Islands, Malta, Switzerland, Cyprus, or in any jurisdiction of your choice through our trusted partners around the world.

One-time fee
  • consultation with our lawyers
  • video conference with the client to finalize the details
  • organization of the incorporation procedure through our partners, members of the SFAI network
  • support during the whole procedure

The listed fee includes only the services provided by Magrat and does NOT include the cost of services provided by our partner firms in their respective jurisdictions. Please contact us for a specific offer.

Duration of the process depends on the chosen jurisdiction, company type and other details.

  • consultation with our lawyers
  • video conference with the client to finalize the details
  • organization of the incorporation procedure through our partners, members of the SFAI network
  • support during the whole procedure

The listed fee includes only the services provided by Magrat and does NOT include the cost of services provided by our partner firms in their respective jurisdictions. Please contact us for a specific offer.


Duration of the process depends on the chosen jurisdiction, company type and other details.